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Psychoanalytical Meetings 3: Psychosomatic

Contentspresentation- Tevfika Tunaboylu-İkizparis psychosomatic school - Tevfika Tunaboylu-İkiztrans...

Psychoanalytical Meetings 3: Psychosomatic

Contentspresentation- Tevfika Tunaboylu-İkizparis psychosomatic school - Tevfika Tunaboylu-İkiztransference and countertransference with psychosomatic patients in psychoanalysis - Diane Le Beuf-L’Heureux to subjectivate the body - Bernard Penotdestiny of migraine and sexuality - Nicolas Gougoulisadolescene and psychosomatics- Talat Parmanon ch...

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Psychoanalytical Meetings 2: Femininity

 Contentspresentation - Ayça Gürdal Küeythe feminine and the infantile - Elda Abrevayathe silen...

Psychoanalytical Meetings 2: Femininity

 Contentspresentation - Ayça Gürdal Küeythe feminine and the infantile - Elda Abrevayathe silences of the feminine - Jacques André / translated by Fiona Faracimasochism and melancholy: a painful link - Catherine Chabert / translated by Zehra Karaburçakthe feminine in both sexes: key to the process of subjectivation - Bernard Penot / translated...

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Psychoanalytical Meetings 1: Psychosis

Contentspresentation - Talat Parmanthe aimée case or the madness between mother and daughter - Elda...

Psychoanalytical Meetings 1: Psychosis

Contentspresentation - Talat Parmanthe aimée case or the madness between mother and daughter - Elda Abrevaya on the notion of white psychosis - Panos Aloupis /translated by Özen Alemdarpsychotic states and the body - Zehra Karaburçak psychosis: the other face of reality - Vehbi Keser psychoanalytical treatment of a childhood psychosi...

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